Company profile
Our Science Makes Your Science Better
As an leading Biotechnology company, we possess a passion for inventing and engineering our future technologies through research, development, expertise and collaboration. Our extensive knowledge in research , development and manufacturing had allowed us to develop products for multiple research areas. We specialized Situ hybridization kit (FISH) and epigenetic kits, the transcriptional regulation series of products: ChIP、EMSA、DNA pulldown、reverse-ChIP、BSP,etc.;Post-transcriptional regulatory series of products:RIP、RNA pulldown、RAP、CLIP、ChIRP、TRAP、meRIP、circRNA expression vector,etc.;
We are also experienced in academic and industrial research.
Our innovation engine produces quality materials, smarter processes and technologies that put solutions in the hands of our customers. Our high quality products are cited in hundreds publications, a number which continues to grow.