research target:Circular RNA 100146、non-small cell lung cancer
Periodicals:Molecular Cancer
Cooperative Unit:The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
Time of publication:January,2019

Circular RNAs are widely expressed in eukaryotic cells and associated with cancer. However, limited studies to datehave focused on the potential role of circRNAs in progression of lung cancer. Data from the current investigationshowed that circRNA 100146 is highly expressed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines and the chemicallyinduced malignant transformed bronchial cell line, 16HBE-T, as well as 40 paired tissue samples of NSCLC. Suppression ofcircRNA 100146 inhibited the proliferation and invasion of cells and promoted apoptosis. Furthermore, circRNA 100146could interact with splicing factors and bind miR-361-3p and miR-615-5p to regulate multiple downstream mRNAs. Ourcollective findings support a role of circRNA 100146 in the development of NSCLC and further demonstrate endogenouscompetition among circRNA 100146, SF3B3 and miRNAs, providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying nonsmall cell lung cancer.
Keywords: circRNA, NSCLC, Splicing factor, microRNA
Partial results of cooperation

BersinbioTM cooperative technology:RNA pulldown kit, RAP kit
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